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한겨울 속 삼복(三伏) 이야기 - 빌의 한국문화 배우기

Sky walker 2008. 12. 31. 12:38
No.746    2008. 12. 31. Wednesday
2☆★9년 새해맞이 새출발 기념
100일 완성 빵빵한 출석지원 이벤트
[오☆픈] 비교불가! PMP 특가전
[오픈] 나는 50문장으로 영어협상한다
[오픈] 1316팬클럽 독해 Level 4
Questions 1-3 refer to the following recorded information.

Who is this recorded information intended for?    
(A) Oven manufacturers  
(B) Restaurant owners  
(C) Food critics  
(D) Professional cleaners  

What are listeners asked to remember?    
(A) Their customer number  
(B) Their billing details  
(C) Their product’s serial number  
(D) Their warranty code  

How can customers get information on payment options?    
(A) By pressing 1  
(B) By pressing 2  
(C) By pressing 3  
(D) By holding the line  
Actually, the news said it would rain all weekend, so we've postponed our trip until next weekend.

실은 뉴스에서 주말 내내 비가 올 거라고 해서 여행을 다음 주말로 미뤘어요.
목표 설정 방법 9단계
Take out a sheet of paper.
Write down everything you would like to accomplish in your business and personal life over the next five years. Imagine that you have no limitations of time, money, talent, people, resources, or abilities.
하늘과 땅 차이 a world of difference

[강사 : Kristine]

- London Trinity College TESOL
- YBM 시사 ELS 영어 강사
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

하늘과 땅 차이 a world of difference

A: 이곳은 아파트 값이 정말 싸네요.
    The apartment prices here are really cheap.

    서울, 특히 강남은 아파트값이 너무 비싸서 보통 사람들은 살
    엄두도 못내잖아요.  
    The prices in Seoul, especially Gangnam area, are so
    expensive. Buying a place there is out of reach for most

B: 그렇죠. 서울과는 아파트 값이 하늘과 땅 차이죠. 
    You're right. There's a world of difference in terms of price
    between here and Seoul.

[한국의 기후] 복날(삼복)
오늘 왜 이렇게 덥죠?
This is one of the hottest days I've ever seen.
살다살다 이렇게 더운 날은 처음이네요.
In fact, it just may be the hottest of all.
오늘은 중복이니 더울 수 밖에요.
Today is 'Joongbok,' so it's to be expected.
예, 음력 6월에서 7월 사이에, 보통 열흘 간격으로 있는 세 개의 날을 복날이라고 하거든요.
Students Banned From Library For ‘Saving Seats’

Can you imagine going to a university and not being able to enter the library? One school has banned a group of students who broke a new library policy.

At the University of Seoul, several students were leaving personal items in the library to reserve their seat there. Some students were complaining about the piles of books left on tables, which led the university to create a new policy that did not allow students to leave items on chairs and desks.

According to a school spokesman, a few hundred out of a total of 2,000 seats were being taken over by students with books and bookstands marking their places. So far, around 150 students have been given suspensions, which means they are not allowed to use the library for up to 30 days.

But some of the suspended students are fighting back in court against the new policy. They say the university did not talk with the students to find a solution that both sides could agree with. One student who was banned from the library, Jeon Byeong-gwon, says the rule violates his freedom to study.

Other students at the University of Seoul are unsure what the best solution would be to fix this problem. Some suggest that having more lockers for students to store books and other materials would help reduce the problem. Others believe that going to court over the issue is not the answer. Instead, they think brainstorming and discussion could help solve this issue.

‘북극광, 남극광' 오로라 신비 밝혀져
˝다크 나이트˝ 중국 개봉을 취소한 워너브라더스 스튜디오