ET daily

피부에 와 닿다-이런 표현 궁금했다.

Sky walker 2009. 1. 29. 08:24

No.764    2009. 01. 29. Thursday
[오늘] 100일 완성 출석지원 캠페인
[까지] 15/50/80/95 연속 출석시 경품~
[새출발 새다짐 열공 이벤트]
[단과반 30% 할인 쿠폰 다운]
[1년 수강권] PMP 몰 통큰 이벤트

The authorities ------- motorists to avoid taking the western highway because of the heavy
traffic there.    
(A) fastened  
(B) signed  
(C) revised  
(D) advised  

------- to the amusement park has more than doubled in price over the past couple of years.    
(A) Admit  
(B) Admitted  
(C) Admissible  
(D) Admission  
But it's only been an hour since we dropped the car off.

하지만 차를 갖다 놓은지 한 시간밖에 안됐잖아요.
With the application of our abilities as one team, we can make our own "breaks."
우리의 능력을 모아 한 팀을 이룰 때 우리는 스스로 행운을 만들어 낼 수 있다.
피부에 와 닿다 one can feel it in one’s bones

[강사 : Kristine]

- YBM 시사 ELS 영어 강사

피부에 와 닿다 one can feel it in one’s bones

A: 요즘 장사가 어때요?
    How's the business these days?

B: 매상이 작년 연말에 비해 많이 올랐어요. 
   The sales have really picked up compared to last year.

   경기가 좋아지고 있다는 게 피부에 와 닿아요. 
   The economy seems to be getting better.
    I can feel it in my bones.

[한국의 꽃] 무궁화
한국의 국화는 무엇인가요?
What's the Korean national flower?
It's 'Mugungwha,' or the Rose of Sharon.
설명해 주시겠어요?
Can you tell me about it?
무궁은 영원함을 의미하는데요, 한국인들이 오랜 역사를 통해 보여온 인내를 반영한다고 해요.

Saturday, November 30th

311 Main Avenue

Chicago, IL 23908

Dear Christina,

So what’s going on, honey? Is our son, Jimmy OK? I’m also most curious about that pet dog you bought two weeks ago. How is she doing? What is she called? I like it here in London in spite of the fact that there’s a lot of smog. Currently, things are looking up. Up until the end of last month I was afraid our company might go bust but fortunately, one of the biggest and the most noticeably expanding banks gave us a lot of financial support. Without a doubt, things will get better soon. Sales of cars are beginning to increase. We are swamped with car orders after putting our ads in the paper for 30% off.

 I hope you’re thinking about making my favorite foods. I’ll be back next month. I’m taking a week off over Christmas. I can’t wait to see you. Call me up ASAP.

                                                                                   Lots of love,  

Where does Anthony work?
  (a) at GM
(b) at London Motor Co., Inc.
(c) His letter doesn’t say.
(d) in England
Anthony is going to stay on Christmas Day _____________ .
  (a) in Seattle
(b) at his company
(c) at the church
(d) in Chicago
In the context of the passage, go bust means _____________ .
  (a) go crazy
(b) become bankrupt
(c) go all the way
(d) make a fortune

미국-케냐, 해적 인도 협정 체결
빅뱅, ˝세상에 너를 소리쳐!˝ 출간