Kirsten Gerhart, who ------- the company’s branch office in Washington, had a lunch meeting
with the CEO yesterday.
(A) run
(B) runs
(C) running
(D) were running
Several members of the opposition party ------- to the way in which the legislation was
(A) object
(B) reject
(C) subject
(D) eject
When I called yesterday, they said it would take another week just for them to send it out.
어제 전화해 봤더니 물건을 선적하는 것만도 1주일 더 걸릴 거라고 하더군요.
창조성의 가장 큰 적
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
"The chief enemy of creativity is 'good' sense."
"창조성의 가장 큰 적은 '상식적' 감각이다."
지긋지긋하다 make one sick
[강사 : Kristine]
- London Trinity College TESOL
- YBM 시사 ELS 영어 강사
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사
지긋지긋하다 make one sick
A: 일본 출장은 어땠어?
How was your business trip to Japan?
B: 음식이 입에 맞지 않고 가격도 비싸서 먹는 게 제일 큰 문제였어.
The biggest problem was the food.
I didn't like anything there, and it was just too expensive.
A: 패스트푸드점도 있잖아?
There's always fast food.
B: 말도 마. 한동안 거의 매 끼를 햄버거와 콜라로 때웠더니
이제 햄버거라면 지긋지긋해.
Don't even start. For a while, I only had burgers and Coke.
Now just the sight of a burger makes me sick.
[한국의 명소] 지리산
빌, 지리산에 가보셨어요?
Bill, have you been to 'Jiri' mountain?
아뇨, 지리산은 뭘로 유명한가요?
No, I haven't. What's it famous for?
지리산은 각종 야생 동, 식물의 보고입니다.
Jiri mountain is rich in natural resources, with many kinds of plants and animals.
한국의 등산 애호가들이 즐겨 찾는 산이예요.
It's the favorite among Korean mountain lovers.