ET daily

재미삼아-이런표현 궁금했다.

Sky walker 2009. 1. 20. 08:28

No.758    2009. 01. 19. Monday
2009 기축년 새출발 새다짐 열공 이벤트
단과 30% 할인권, 1등급 한우까지?
[이벤트] 종합반 출석 지원 이벤트
온강&PMP강의 통합서비스 실시!
[오픈] 비교불가! PMP 특가전

All of the nation’s most important historical documents are ------- in the public library and
museum in Wellington.    
(A) displayed  
(B) solicited  
(C) varied  
(D) predicted  

Some tourists were ------- photos of the artwork on show in spite of the guide’s request that
they not do so.    
(A) take   
(B) taking  
(C) taken  
(D) took  
We can't continue our projects without a good manager.

능력 있는 관리자 없이는 지금 하고 있는 프로젝트들을 계속해 나갈 수가 없어요.
진정한 의미의 성공
Success, real success, cannot be determined by what you have, in comparison to what the other guy has...
진정한 의미의 성공은 다른 사람에 비해 자신이 얼마나 더 갖고 있느냐에 따라 결정되지 않을 뿐만 아니라...
재미삼아 just for fun[kicks]

[강사 : Kristine]

- YBM 시사 ELS 영어 강사
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

재미삼아 just for fun

A: 할머니랑 고스톱 쳤더니 제법 피곤하다.
    I'm a little tired from playing go-stop with my grandma

B: 할머니랑 고스톱 치니?
    You play go-stop with your grandma?

A: 재미 삼아 치시는데 나보다 더 잘 치셔.
    She plays just for fun, but she's better than me.

[한국의 명소] 석굴암/불국사
그럼 한국에서 가장 유명한 관광지 중 하나겠네요.
It's one of the most famous tourist places in Korea, then.
경주에 가면 어디어디를 둘러보는 게 좋은가요?
Where are the good places to visit there?
불국사'라는 오래된 절이 있는데, 꼭 한 번 둘러보세요.
There is a very old temple called 'Bulguksa' which you must visit.
Female News Anchors Host News Program

A South Korean television station has changed the way it presents the news. Hoping to liven up the daily news, KBS 2TV ① for reporting. The television station recently introduced Newstime, South Korea’s first news program hosted by two female anchors. Traditionally, news programs were hosted by one male and one female anchor.

KBS 2TV choose Jung Se-jin and Lee Yoon-hee as its two female news anchors. Both women have had ② . Jung worked as KBS’s 9 o’clock news anchor for five years before taking time off to study in the United States. She is famous for her natural, yet professional presence. Lee doesn’t have any experience as a news anchor, but she has been reporting the news for eight years. Lee is well known for her biting analytical skills. The two women are ③ .

“At first, even we were afraid that this new concept would be strange,” Jung said. “But to our surprise, it wasn’t so awkward after all.”

KBS 2TV ④ for the show. The show’s producers felt that South Korean news was too rushed and limited. Therefore, Newstime aims to provide more in-depth coverage of regional and national news. Furthermore, Jung and Lee will play a larger role in the news program than news anchors traditionally do. The women will ⑤ the day’s important news in a virtual studio. They will also report directly from certain news sites when necessary.

지구온난화 심각한 식량 위기 예고
비자 면제 프로그램(VWP: Visa Waiver Program) 의 허점