ET daily

잘 한다-이런 표현 영어로 궁금했다.

Sky walker 2009. 3. 24. 13:34
No.802    2009. 03. 24. Tuesday
열공도 식후경!!! 떴다~외식상품권
신학기에도 열공은 계속 되어야 한다!
[불황 극복] 이티하우스와 함께 해요!
[감동 실현] 골라잡는 종합반 혜택
[이찬승 Speaking Know-how]
   140 회화 구문편 1
Questions 1-2 refer to the following letter.
Hardy’s Work Station
Clothing & Equipment for the Outdoors
205 River Valley Rd.
Edmonton, T5A 9B4

October 16, 2008

Duncan Lawrence
62 Whyte Ave. Apt.6 
Edmonton, AB T54 9A7
Dear Mr. Lawrence:

To express our gratitude for your loyal patronage over the years, we would like to tell you about a special discount that we're offering you and our other valued customers.

Present the enclosed voucher at any of our ten locations in the province and you will receive 20% off any item in the store. The unique aspect of this discount is that you can use it repeatedly until it expires on Dec. 31. Please enjoy this special offer, and we look forward to serving you in the future.
With sincere thanks,

Jacqueline Spitz
Manager, Consumer Relations
Hardy's Work Station

Who is Mr. Lawrence?    
(A) A rival executive  
(B) A preferred customer  
(C) A specialist in outdoor gear  
(D) A customer service representative  

What is being offered?    
(A) A gift certificate  
(B) A reusable savings coupon  
(C) A one-time 20% off voucher  
(D) A limited warranty on equipment 
I’m sorry, but all the seats are reserved.

죄송하지만 만석입니다.
봄의 매력
Spring is here, I feel it in the air
봄이 온 것이 공기에서 느껴지네요
The days are longer, the sky so blue
해는 길어지고 하늘은 새파랗습니다
잘 한다 (잘 해) Nice going

[강사 : Kristine]

- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

잘 한다 (잘 해) Nice going

A : 또 깨뜨렸어? 잘 한다, 잘 해.      
     You broke another one? Nice going.

     집에 접시가 남아나질 않겠다.
     Soon there won't be any dishes left in the house.

B : 미안해. 조심할게. 
     I'm sorry. I'll be more careful.

청첩장 내용
한국인들은 결혼식 초대장을 돌리나요?
Do Koreans send out wedding invitations?
Yes, we do.
결혼식 초대장은 청첩장이라고 해요.
We call them 'Chungchupjang'.
결혼식이 있기 적어도 2주 전에는 청첩장을 전달하죠.

국제 법률가들, 이스라엘의 전범행위 조사촉구
한국, 오늘 일본과 WBC 결승전