ET daily

~에 약하다-이런 표현 영어로 궁금했다.

Sky walker 2009. 3. 16. 12:55

No.796    2009. 03. 16. Monday
열공도 식후경!!! 떴다~외식상품권
신학기에도 열공은 계속 되어야 한다!
[감동 실현] 골라잡는 종합반 혜택
[비교 불가] PMP 특가전
[50문장시리즈] 이번엔 영어토론이당
Questions 1-3 refer to the following article.
Italian Festival a Big Success
New York’s annual Italian Cultural Festival once again proved extremely popular with people around the city. The festival ------- to an end last night with a free performance of the opera “Carmen” in
1. (A) took
(B) went
(C) gave
(D) came

Central Park
. Organizers are suggesting that over 20,000 people attended last night’s event. A further 100,000 people are believed to have taken part in some of the festival’s other -------.

(A) attractions
(B) partitions
(C) appearances
(D) observances

The head of the festival’s organizing committee, Angela di Venuto, was very delighted with this year’s turnout: “It’s great that so many New Yorkers come out to celebrate this great city’s Italian heritage.” She suggested that next year’s festival would be even bigger, with more events and performances planned. New York City mayor Bob Gordon, who was in ------- at last night’s opera, was also thrilled with the

(A) attend
(B) attention
(C) attending
(D) attendance

success of this year’s festival. He said that events such as this “prove what an amazing city New York is.”
(A) took
(B) went
(C) gave
(D) came
(A) attractions
(B) partitions
(C) appearances
(D) observances
(A) attend
(B) attention
(C) attending
(D) attendance
Thanks for giving me a ride.

태워다 줘서 고마워요.
아웃라이어의 성공 비결
A second not-so-secret secret to success is the "10,000 Hour Principle." Successful people, whether athletes, authors, or business persons, don't achieve success until they have put in at least 10,000 hours of work. 
~에 약하다 have a weakness for~

[강사 : Kristine]

- London Trinity College TESOL
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

~에 약하다 사족을 못쓰다 have a weakness for~

A : 너 달랑 와인 한 병에 마음이 바뀌냐?
     You changed your mind over a single bottle of wine?

B : 너도 알다시피 내가 원래 술에 약하잖아.
     You know me. I have a weakness for liquor.

(Dating to Find a Prospective Spouse)
선 본다는 게 무슨 말인가요?
What does
두 남녀가 결혼해도 될 만큼 서로 잘 맞는지 알아보려고 서로 만나보는 걸 말해요.
It means two people who agree to meet and see if they are compatible enough to get married.

중국 선박, 공해서 미국 선박 위협
고대 중앙 아메리카에서 초콜릿은 특별한 전례와 의식 중에만 먹는 진미였다.