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얼굴에 씌어 있다-영어로 이런 표현 궁금했다.

Sky walker 2009. 2. 16. 08:11
No.776    2009. 02. 16. Monday
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[오픈] 나는 50문장으로 영어메일 쓴다
온강 & PMP 강의 <통합> 서비스
[1년 무료수강] PMP 몰 통 큰 이벤트

One of the new recruits started last Monday, while ------- is scheduled to begin working in the office next week.    
(A) any   
(B) either  
(C) another  
(D) other  

Located near the east coast, Mobeki is the small rural village in ------- President Kiwato was
brought up.    
(A) that  
(B) where  
(C) what  
(D) which  
I'm an operator for a phone company.

전화 회사 교환수예요.
진정한 나만의 삶
Patterning your life around other's opinions is nothing more than slavery.
~ Lawana Blackwell, The Dowry of Miss Lydia Clark, 1999
얼굴에 씌어 있다 written all over one’s face

[강사 : Kristine]

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얼굴에 씌어 있다 written all over one’s face

A: 무슨 좋은 일 있군요?
    You're having a good day, I see.

B: 어! 어떻게 알았어요?
    Whoa, how could you tell?

A: 알고 지낸 지가 얼만데. 얼굴에 다 씌어 있어요.
    Hey, how long have we known each other?
    It's written all over your face.

고속철 개통
(The Launching of KTX)
서울에서 부산까지 가장 빨리 갈수 있는 방법이 뭔가요?
What's the fastest way to get from Seoul to Pusan?
비행기가 아니라면 고속철도를 이용하는 게 가장 빠를걸요.
Taking a plane or maybe the high speed train, the KTX.
아, 고속철도가 개통되었다는 소식을 들었습니다.
Oh right. I heard something about the KTX being ready.
Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra

The Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra has become the darling of the classical musical world in the last few years. The ① who are from 16 to 20 years old, and their conductor is 26, which is a very young age for a conductor. The musicians are young but very talented, and ② .

There is something else that is very special about this orchestra. The teens that make up the orchestra all come from lowerclass neighborhoods. In other words, the teenagers all come from very poor families.

The orchestra was founded in 1975. However, it was only in recent years that the orchestra began receiving enough funding from the Venezuelan government. Because of this, the orchestra is able to give the ③ . The orchestra also gives the teenagers hope. It keeps them off the streets and helps them escape poverty, drugs, and crime.

There are 200 musicians in the Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra. However, the orchestra’s music program teaches hundreds more kids about classical music. Some of these children are as young as 2. Although not every child will go on to a classical music career, ④ .

Most importantly, the Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra plays classical music at a very high level. It plays many pieces that are ⑤ . It has received acclaim not only for its social role, but for its artistic achievements.

오바마 대통령, '경제 살리기 위해 최선 다 할 것'
브로드웨이에 데뷔한 다니엘 레드클리프