ET daily

어서-이런표현 영어로 궁금했다.

Sky walker 2009. 3. 23. 12:11
No.800    2009. 03. 20. Friday
열공도 식후경!!! 떴다~외식상품권
신학기에도 열공은 계속 되어야 한다!
[불황 극복] 이티하우스와 함께 해요!
[감동 실현] 골라잡는 종합반 혜택
[이찬승 Speaking Know-how]
   140 회화 구문편 1
Questions 1-3 refer to the following advertisement.
The Canberra Opera Company presents opera for a new age.

If you're between 19 and 30 years old, you can enjoy operatic performances for less
than you think.

Pay $40 for the fi rst opera and attend the second for just $28. You will need to buy the
tickets in advance.

Get 50% off the regular price when you go to three operas per year.

Don't miss our fi rst performance of 2008: Madame Butterfl y by Giacomo Puccini,
starting Feb. 3.

Please see our schedule for exact dates and the season's full list of performances.
You can buy tickets online:
Visit our box offi ce:
The Canberra Opera Company 
56 Kent ST, Canberra, ACT
Or call: (02) 4786-4747
School groups: (02) 4786-4727

What is being advertised?    
(A) A touring international opera company  
(B) A recently refurbished theater  
(C) A special offer available to some customers  
(D) A new place for purchasing tickets  

In what case would customers pay half price?    
(A) If they attend three performances a year  
(B) If they are part of a group reservation  
(C) If they buy tickets for two operas  
(D) If they book before the season begins  

What is NOT suggested as a way to purchase tickets?    
(A) By fax  
(B) On the Internet  
(C) In person  
(D) Over the phone
What time is checkout?

호텔 퇴실시간이 몇 시죠?
선생님의 화술? (유머)
What the teacher says and (what the teacher means)
Your son has a remarkable ability in gathering needed information from his classmates.
(☞ He was caught cheating on a test.)
뉴토익 왕초보 탈출
400점대 왕초보, 100일만에 620점 도전!
중고급 회화 문법 동시 정복
어서 Come on.

[강사 : Kristine]

- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

어서 Come on

A : 어서 가자.
     Come on, let's go.

B : 잠깐만. 화장실 좀 쓰고.
     Hold on. Let me use the restroom first.

아까 신랑 신부가 집들이 때 꼭 와야 된다고 하던데 그게 뭐예요?
The couple said earlier we must come to the 'Jipdulee,' so what is that?
신랑 신부의 친한 친구들을 신혼집에 초대하는 거예요.
It is an invitation to the couple's close friends to visit their new home.

미 국무부, 하마스 측 서한 수령
한국, 일본 제압하고 WBC 4강 진출 (South Korea Beats Japan to Reach WBC Semifinals)