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신경 써주다-이런 표현 영어로 궁금했다.

Sky walker 2009. 4. 8. 13:06
No.813    2009. 04. 08. Wednesday
토마토 BASIC RC/LC 2nd Edition 오픈
더욱 쎄진~강좌! 더욱 파워풀한 이벤트!
[이찬승 Speaking Know-how 140]
   회화 구문편 1 오픈
[이찬승 Speaking Know-how 140]
   회화 구문편 2 오픈
[쎄다!] 할인쿠폰? PMP? 나쁜 자석?
Questions 1-3 refer to the following announcement.

Where would this announcement most likely be heard?    
(A) At a train station  
(B) At an airport  
(C) On a boat  
(D) In a parking lot  

What is located at terminal 7?    
(A) International arrivals  
(B) The security office  
(C) International departures  
(D) Baggage claim  

What are passengers asked to do?    
(A) Show their boarding passes  
(B) Get on board efficiently  
(C) Proceed to terminal 2  
(D) Find the correct seat
Automobiles are lined up at the intersection.

차들이 교차로에 줄지어 있다.
학교에서는 가르쳐주지 않는 것
Dr. Thomas J. Stanley, author of The Millionaire Mind, has dedicated much of his life to studying what makes millionaires successful. His research has revealed some very unique insight into the mindset of the wealthy.
신경 써주다 go the extra mile

[강사 : Kristine]

- London Trinity College TESOL
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

신경 써주다 go the extra mile

A : 머리가 많이 아프세요? 
    The headache's bad, huh?

     여기서 잠깐만 기다리세요. 
     Wait here for a second.

     제가 가서 약 사올게요. 
     I'm gonna go buy some aspirin.

B : 이렇게까지 신경 써주시지 않아도 되는데, 정말 감사합니다.
     You know you don't have to go the extra mile for me.
     But thank you.

Honored Teachers
빌은 학창시절에 특히 기억에 남는 선생님이 있나요?
Do you have any teachers that stand out in your mind from when you went to school, Bill?
음… 어릴적 친구들은 많이 생각나는데, 선생님은 당장 떠오르는 분이 없네요.
Hmmm... I remember a lot of childhood friends, but I can't think of any teachers off the top of my head.
제 학창시절만 해도 사제지간이 특별했었어요.
When I went to school, the student-teacher relationship was still very special.

내성강한 결핵 확산, 전 세계 매년 50만 명
남산 `한국판 센트럴파크`로 재탄생