ET daily

술 고래-이런 표현 궁금했다.

Sky walker 2009. 1. 15. 08:23
No.755    2009. 01. 14. Wednesday
2☆★9 기축년 황금 송아지를 잡아라
단과반 30% 할인권, 1등급 한우까지?
[D-1] 틴즈 유료 mp3가 무료?
[이벤트] 종합반 출석 지원 이벤트
[오☆픈] 비교불가! PMP 특가전


(A)      (B)      (C)      (D)  


(A)      (B)      (C)      (D)  

We're not selling enough to make a profit.

이익을 볼 정도로 팔지는 못하고 있어요.
새로운 미래를 준비하기

* The time to begin most things is ten years ago.

대부분의 일들은 십 년 전에 시작했어야 할 일들이다.

술고래 heavy[hard] drinker

[강사 : Kristine]

- London Trinity College TESOL
- TESTWISE 시사영어학원 영어 강사
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

피장파장 in the same boat

A: 어제 술을 그렇게 마시고도 괜찮니?
    You okay? You drank a lot last night.

B: 내가 술이 좀 센 편이라 그 정도로는 끄떡없어.
    I can hold my liquor, so that wasn't enough to leave a dent.

A: 몰랐는데 너 술고래구나.
    I didn't know you were such a heavy drinker.

[한국의 명소] 돌담길
눈이 올 때 덕수궁에 가면 참 좋아요.
The Doksu palace is lovely place to visit when it's snowing.
젊은 연인들이 많이 가겠군요.
I guess lots of young couples go there.
네, 하지만 덕수궁 돌담길을 함께 걸으면 헤어진다는 말도 있어요.
Yes, but there is saying that if you walk on a certain path there, you will split up.
Taiwan Hopes to Improve Relations With China

Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou has taken a step forward in Taiwanese-Chinese relations. Ma recently became the first Taiwanese leader to meet with a Chinese official since 1949, when the Chinese Civil War ended. Ma decided to meet with Chen Yunlin, Beijing’s senior negotiator on Taiwanese affairs. The two men discussed issues at a government guesthouse in Taipei, Taiwan.

The meeting was historic; however, it received a lot of public criticism, as well. Hundreds of protestors gathered around the hotel where Chen and other senior officials from China were staying. The demonstrations became violent, and several police officers and protestors were injured. The protests were organized by members of Taiwan’s pro-independence groups. They were upset that Taiwan was trying to improve political relations with mainland China.

When Ma was elected this May, he promised to work with China in order to improve the national economy. So far, Taipei and Beijing have agreed to create regular, direct flights between the two cities. They have also agreed to create a system of direct shipping for cargo and mail. Furthermore, the two sides have promised to work together to improve food safety issues. Recently, several scandals broke out involving tainted Chinese food imports.

The recent measures have been praised by politicians and businessmen, as the deals should improve business and tourism for both sides. However, it is a move that Taiwan’s pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party is against. And the DPP is not the only group concerned about Taiwan’s future. Many citizens worry that some of the measures will threaten the jobs of Taiwanese citizens. They are afraid that Taiwanese factories may be tempted to close down and move to China, where it is cheaper.

미 항공모함 ‘조지 H.W. 부시’호 취역
교육 개혁의 기수, 미셸 리 워싱턴 D.C. 교육감