(A) New computer software
(B) An error the woman made
(C) The woman’s work schedule
(D) A computer malfunction
What does the man recommend?
(A) Using his computer instead
(B) Getting rid of the computer
(C) Seeking the help of an expert
(D) Finishing the project quickly
Why is the woman upset?
(A) She needs to complete the work.
(B) The IT department is closed.
(C) She cannot leave early this afternoon.
(D) Her new computer has not arrived yet.
How much is the train fare in this area?
이 지역의 기차 요금은 얼마예요?
독신으로 살아간다는 것
The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being.
독신으로 살아가려는 사람은 인간적 삶의 측면에서 성공하지 못할지도 모른다.
수고하세요 Hold down the fort.
[강사 : Kristine]
- London Trinity College TESOL
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사
수고하세요 Hold down the fort.
A : 오늘은 일이 있어서 먼저 퇴근해야겠네요.
I'm calling it a day. I've got something to do.
B : 네, 잘 들어가세요.
All right, see you.
A : 그럼 수고하세요!
Okay, hold down the fort.
중매결혼 vs. 연애결혼
이 사진 잘 나왔네요. 신랑 신부가 너무 잘 어울려요.
This picture is great. The bride and groom look like such a good match.
어떻게 만났대요?
How did they meet?
중매로 만났대요. 2달 만에 결혼했구요.
Through an arranged date, and they were married two months later.