ET daily

상대가 안 된다-이런 표현 궁금했다

Sky walker 2009. 1. 12. 08:23
No.753    2009. 01. 12. Monday
2☆★9 기축년 황금 송아지를 잡아라
단과반 30% 할인권, 1등급 한우까지?
[이벤트] 틴즈 유료 mp3가 무료?
[이벤트] 종합반 출석 지원 이벤트
[오☆픈] 비교불가! PMP 특가전


(A)      (B)      (C)      (D)  


(A)      (B)      (C)      (D)  
Afterwards, a group of local film critics will be available to discuss the movie's main themes and answer questions about its historical background.

이후에는 이 지역 영화평론가들이 영화의 주제에 대해 함께 토론하고 또 영화의 역사적 배경에 대한 질문에 응답해 드릴 것입니다.
성공의 일급 비밀

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
나는 성공의 비결은 모르지만 실패의 비결이 모두를 만족시키려는 데 있다는 것은 안다.

The first secret of success?
성공의 일급비밀은 자신에 대한 믿음이다. 

상대가 안 되다 no match

[강사 : Kristine]

- London Trinity College TESOL
- YBM 시사 ELS 영어 강사
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

상대가 안 되다 no match

A: 축구시합 했었다면서? 
    You guys had a soccer game?

B: 묻지도 마! 
    Don't even start.

A: 왜? 졌구나? 
    Why not? You guys lost, huh?

B: 그래. 우리는 상대가 안 되더라. 
    Yeah. We were no match for them.

[한국의 명소] 경주
수진씨, 한국 문화를 좀더 경험할 만한 좋은 곳들을 소개해 주세요.
Tell me some great places to experience more Korean culture, Su-Jin.
여러 곳이 있겠지만 경주에 가보시는 것이 어떨까요?
There are many places you can do that, but how about Gyungju?
경주는 옛 '신라'의 수도였어요.
Gyungju was the capital city of the Silla dynasty.
유적지가 많겠군요.
There must be a lot of historical sites.
South Korea Struggles With Microsoft Monopoly

South Korea is one of the most ① , and the Microsoft Corporation has a monopoly on it. All encrypted transactions that take place online must be sent through Microsoft’s “Active-X” controls. That means that online banking and e-shopping are impossible for Internet users who do not use Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Non-users of Internet Explorer are not even able to interact with government websites. The South Korean government has ② Microsoft’s . However, it has so far ignored the problem. Worst of all, it has ③ that rely on Microsoft’s Active-X controls.

The government made the new policies because of citizen demand. Internet users did not like that they had to use their resident registration numbers when subscribing to Internet sites. With these 13-digit codes, website operators can figure out the sex, birth date, and registration site of each user. Therefore, the government came up with a plan to replace resident registration numbers. As of December, Internet users can subscribe to websites using Internet personal identification numbers, or I-Pin numbers, instead. I-Pin numbers should ④ Internet . However, they must have Microsoft’s Active-X controls in order to receive and use them. When getting their I-Pin numbers, citizens must provide public key certificates, as well, which also use Active-X controls.

“We admit that I-Pin ⑤ Web compatibility,” said an official from the Korea Information Security Agency. “But we will try to improve consumer convenience and fair competition between companies.”

부시 대통령, 마지막 군 사열
`존 레넌 자선 TV광고` 등장, `가난한 아이들에게 랩탑 기부` 호소