ET daily

산전수전-이런 표현 궁금했다.

Sky walker 2009. 2. 4. 12:12
No.768    2009. 02. 04. Wednesday
[오늘] 기축년! 황금 송아지를 잡아라~
[까지] 고마운 분에게 1등급 한우를~
[단과반 30% 할인 쿠폰 다운]
[1년 수강권] PMP 몰 통큰 이벤트
온라인강의&PMP강의 통합서비스

Ms. Carson and the other managers do not consider Michael Poulter to be a ------- employee.    
(A) conceivable  
(B) various  
(C) reliable  
(D) simultaneous  

You need to pay the parking ticket in full ------- the next 20 days, or you will face further penalties.    
(A) within  
(B) on  
(C) through  
(D) for  
The road curves around the hill.

도로가 언덕 주위를 돌아 나 있다.
Alert! Alive! Achieved!

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race”

산전수전 山戰水戰 through hell and high water

[강사 : Kristine]

- London Trinity College TESOL
- YBM 시사 ELS 영어 강사
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

산전수전 through hell and high water

A: 미국으로 이민 가신 지는 얼마나 되셨어요?
    When did you immigrate to America?

B: 벌써 25년이나 되었네요.
    It's already been 25 years.

   초기에는 산전수전 다 겪었죠 
   I went through hell and high water in the beginning.

[교육/학교] 왕따 (Wangdda)
수진씨, 왕따가 뭐죠?
Su-jin, what does 'Wangdda' mean?
학교에서 한 아이를 집단으로 괴롭히는거요. 피해 아이를 가리키기도 하죠.
It refers to bullying, or to the child who is being picked on by others at school.
어린 애들까지 번져서 심각한 문제가 되고 있어요.
It's getting to be a serious social issue as younger students are bullying one another.
China Plans to Ban Lip-Synching

Singers in China will need to be in top shape because the government may soon ban lip-synching from commercial concerts.

The Culture Ministry is gathering the public’s opinion on the issue of lip-synching, or “miming,” during performances. The ministry, however, has already written a draft for an amendment that would ban lip-synching. The draft states that concert organizers cannot allow singers to lip-synch and that performers cannot cheat audiences by pretending to sing on stage.

Performers caught lip-synching would also be punished by having their names released to the public. Anyone with two citations in the same year would have their performing licenses revoked.

China’s State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) has also demanded that lip-synching be banned on the TV program, “CCTV Spring Festival Gala.” This year, SARFT has insisted that the show have “real” singers. One official stated on the SARFT website that the program should use talented people who can sing well to stop lip-synching.

The popular show’s big New Year’s Eve program is usually full of singing and funny skits. Hundreds of millions of people watch the show. However, last year, people were upset by popular actress Zhang Ziyi’s poor job of lip-synching a song on the show.

The Beijing Olympic organizers were also sharply criticized for having a young girl lip-synch during the opening ceremony. The original girl who sang the song was replaced with a prettier girl who pretended to sing the song.

교황 베네딕토 16세, 유대교와의 연대감 강조
유죄협상 교섭 제도를 도입하려는 검찰