“It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life does not lie in not reaching your goal.
The tragedy of life lies in having no goal to reach.” ~ Benjamin E. Mays
벼룩시장 flea market
[강사 : Kristine]
- London Trinity College TESOL
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벼룩시장 flea market
A: 우리 집엔 안 쓰는 물건이 너무 많아.
I have too much stuff at home that I don't use.
B: 회사내 벼룩시장을 열자고 제안해볼까?
Why don't I propose opening a flea market right inside the company?
A: 아, 그거 좋은 생각이다.
Hey, that's a great idea.
약국 (Medicine is Sold Only in Drugstores)
아, 머리가 너무 아파요.
Ah, I have a terrible headache.
Oh, that's too bad.
상비약이 없네요.
I haven't got any medicine on hand.
약국에 가면 타이레놀이나 아스피린을 살 수 있어요.
You can get Tylenol or regular aspirin at a drugstore.