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말단 직원만 희생양이 되는 거죠 - 이런표현 궁금했다.

Sky walker 2009. 1. 7. 08:26
No.749    2009. 01. 06. Tuesday
2☆★9 기축년 황금 송아지를 잡아라
단과반 30% 할인권, 1등급 한우까지?
[오☆픈] 비교불가! PMP 특가전
[이벤트] 종합반 출석 지원 이벤트
[오픈] 나는 50문장으로 영어협상한다
Questions 1-3 refer to the following email.
From: Jennifer Dawson, CEO
To: Naomi Sanderson, Marketing Manager

Subject: Congratulations!

The marketing director, Harry Weinberg, has just informed me that you have been promoted to the position of marketing manager. Let me be the first to congratulate you on this outstanding success. Mr. Weinberg has always been very positive in his appraisals of your work, so I’m glad that you’ve been given this opportunity. I’m sure that you will tackle it with great skill and enthusiasm.
Mr. Weinberg and your fellow marketing team managers, Kelly Jones and Franco Elamo, will be working with you closely to ensure a smooth transition into your new role. I urge you to ask them as many questions as possible so that you can become absolutely clear on the responsibilities and opportunities that the marketing manager position presents.

Best of luck,
Jennifer Dawson

Why has Ms. Dawson written this email?    
(A) To offer an employee a promotion  
(B) To inform a manager of her resignation  
(C) To congratulate a recently promoted worker  
(D) To notify the marketing team of a personnel change  

Who is Ms. Sanderson’s immediate superior?    
(A) Jennifer Dawson  
(B) Harry Weinberg  
(C) Kelly Jones  
(D) Franco Elamo  

What does Ms. Dawson encourage Ms. Sanderson to do?    
(A) Contact her directly  
(B) Read the job description  
(C) Ask others for advice  
(D) Respond to a questionnaire  
A large construction contractor has just put in an urgent order for steel beams.

대규모 건축 도급업자로부터 이제 막 급한 철 골조 주문이 들어왔습니다.
작은 습관이 건강을 만든다
Improving your health may seem to require a complicated plan and an obsessive dedication to the goal.

In fact, improving your health can be as simple as changing a few habits.
희생양 scapegoat

[강사 : Kristine]

- London Trinity College TESOL
- YBM 시사 ELS 영어 강사
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

희생양 scapegoat

A: 미스터 김의 사표가 수리되었다고 들었어요.
    I heard they accepted Mr. Kim's resignation.

B: 뭔가 잘못되면 말단 직원만 희생양이 되는 거죠.
    Whenever something goes wrong, it's the rank and file
    employees that become the scapegoats. 

[한국의 기후] 한국의 사계절
빌, 한국의 몇 월이 가장 좋던가요?
Bill, what's your favorite month in Korea?
날씨 말이에요.
Based solely on the weather, that is.
휴, 8월은 너무 덥습니다.
Well, August is too hot.
저는 3월과 10월의 날씨가 가장 좋아요.
I like the weather in March and October best.

Global Press Review Headquarters

Zurich, Switzerland

Dear Reader,

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Maria Schuffler

Maria Schuffler,

What kind of audience is the letter most likely intended for?
  (a) major political leaders
(b) international businessmen
(c) previous subscribers
(d) young foreign journalists
In the context of the passage, perspective means ____________ .
  (a) resource
(b) industry
(c) network
(d) viewpoint

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