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또 오세요-이런 표현 영어로 궁금했다.

Sky walker 2009. 3. 18. 12:55
No.798    2009. 03. 18. Wednesday
열공도 식후경!!! 떴다~외식상품권
신학기에도 열공은 계속 되어야 한다!
[불황 극복] 이티하우스와 함께 해요!
[감동 실현] 골라잡는 종합반 혜택
[이찬승 Speaking Know-how]
   140 회화 구문편 1
Questions 1-2 refer to the following notice.
Dear customer:

In the interest of continuing to offer professional broadcasting to our customers, Dakota Cable will be increasing the rates of our basic cable service. We would like to remind our customers that this is the first rate increase in two years.

As of September 15, 2008, the monthly rate for Classic Cable, Cable Plus and the customized Specialty Cable will be raised by $5.

Dakota Cable would like to express its gratitude for your understanding. You are one of our loyal customers and we would be pleased to provide you with more information or assist you in any way we can.

Dakota Cable
Customer Services

What is the purpose of this notice?    
(A) To advertise a cable service  
(B) To inform about a rise in fees  
(C) To notify customers of a change in address  
(D) To warn about an interruption in service  

According to the notice, when will the changes be brought in?    
(A) By next month  
(B) In just over two months  
(C) At the end of the year  
(D) After two years  
How do you commute to work?

회사까지 어떻게 출퇴근하세요?
21세기 독신 인구 증가 트랜드

Two big trends at the start of the twenty-first century are urbanization and the increase in the number of people living alone.
21세기 초반의 두 가지 주요 트랜드는 도시화와 독신 인구의 증가이다.

또 오세요 (Please) come again.

[강사 : Kristine]

- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

또 오세요 (Please) come again

A : 얼마죠?
     How much is it?

B : 네, 커피 두 잔이랑 치즈케익 드셨네요. 만 오천 원입니다.
     Let's see, you had 2 cups of coffee and a cheesecake.
     That comes to 15,000 won.

A : 여기 있습니다.
     Here you go.

B : 감사합니다. 또 오세요.
     Thank you. Please come again.

[결혼] 함
저 소리 들려요?
Can you hear that sound?
'함 사세요!'라고 하네요.
He is saying, "Buy the Ham."
이제 어떤 집으로 함을 들여가고 있네요.
And now he's taking the 'Ham' into the house.
함이 뭐죠?
What's 'Ham'?
결혼식 하루나 이틀 전에 신랑 집에서 신부 집으로 보내는 상자에요.
Old London Buses Return For Olympics

1) London is famous for its old, red, double-decker buses. They were called “Routemaster” buses. But the buses had many problems. For one thing, people in wheelchairs could not use the buses. Another problem was that the buses were very expensive. And modern buses were safer. So, the city got rid of Routemaster buses in 2005.

2) London replaced the Routemaster buses with modern double-decker buses. They also added long buses that bend around curves. But London’s mayor, Boris Johnson, said the long buses are not good for London. He complained that those buses block traffic and put cyclists in danger.

3) Now, Johnson wants to bring back the old London buses. However, he plans to update the model. He had a competition for London bus designs. More than 700 people entered the contest. The mayor liked two of the designs. He wants to build the new buses before the 2012 Olympics in London.

인도인들, ‘슬럼독 백만장자’ 아카데미 석권에 축제분위기
최고의 인기를 누리고 있는 영화 ‘슬럼독 밀리어네어’