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Sky walker 2009. 2. 17. 08:51
No.777    2009. 02. 17. Tuesday
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온강 & PMP 강의 <통합> 서비스
[1년 무료수강] PMP 몰 통 큰 이벤트


(A)        (B)        (C)  



(A)        (B)        (C)  
Not for another hour, I'm afraid.

1시간 안에는 안될 것 같은데요.
학교 교육
A professor is someone who talks in someone else's sleep.
                    ~ W. H. Auden

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
                    ~ Mark Twain
고자세로 나오다 hard-nosed

[강사 : Kristine]

- London Trinity College TESOL
- YBM 시사 ELS 영어 강사
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사

고자세로 나오다 hard-nosed

A: 도대체 뭘 믿고 저렇게 고자세로 나온대?
    What's he got that makes him so hard-nosed about this?

B: 흥분하지 마. 급한 건 우리니까 속상해도 할 수 없어.
    Take it easy. We're the ones who are desperate, so we
     have no choice but to live with it.

[교통/기차] 고속철 이용방법 (How to Ride the KTX)
고속철은 어떻게 이용하면 되죠?
If I wanted to ride the high-speed train, what would I do?
인터넷 고속철도 사이트에 들어가 보세요.
Check out the KTX webpage.
영문으로 안내를 받으실 수 있을 거예요.
You can navigate through the site in English.

                             Benjamin Franklin and the Lightning Rod

Benjamin Franklin, who lived from 1706 to 1790, was a master of many skills. No other American of his time did so many things so well. During his long and useful life, Franklin concerned himself with such diverse matters as statesmanship, making soap, printing books and the movements of tides. One of his most famous achievements was his discovery that lighting is electrical in nature. This led to his invention of the lightning rod.

Franklin was one of the first scientists to experiment with electricity. He conducted his most famous experiment in 1752 while trying to understand how lightning worked, and how it could be controlled to make it less dangerous. To prove that lightening is electricity, he flew a homemade kite during a thunderstorm. A bolt of lightning struck the kite wire and traveled down the wire to a key tied to the end, where it caused a spark. After this experiment, Franklin was able to tame lightning by inventing the lightning rod. The lightning rod diverts lightning away from a building, sending the electricity harmlessly into the ground. He urged his fellow citizens to safeguard their homes using this device. When lightning hit Franklin’s own home, the lightning rod saved the building from damage.

Despite its usefulness, people did not immediately accept his invention. They feared the rods would attract lightning strikes that would not otherwise happen, and that draining electricity into the ground would cause earthquakes. Gradually, of course, lightning rods became widely accepted, although it took 40 years.
Why did Franklin fly his kite in a thunderstorm?
  (a) to guard his home from lightning
(b) to attract attention to his ideas
(c) to prove his scientific theories
(d) to show how useful kites can be
In the context of the passage, device means ___________ .
  (a) kite
(b) guardian
(c) tool
(d) cord

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