[강사 : Kristine]
- London Trinity College TESOL
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사
시원섭섭하다 bittersweet
A : 너 졸졸 따라다니던 그 여자 말이야.
You know that girl who used to follow you around
all the time?
남자친구 생긴 것 같더라?
I think she's got a boyfriend now.
B : 응, 알아. 매일 귀찮게 하더니 이젠 전화도 안 하네.
Yeah, I know. She was bothering me all the time,
but now she doesn't even call me anymore.
왠지 시원섭섭한걸
It's sort of bittersweet, though. |
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결혼식 초대
(Inviting a Friend) |
저, 내달 초에 결혼해요.
By the way, I'm getting married at the beginning of next month. |
Really? |
와, 축하해요.
Wow, congratulations. |
장소는 어디예요?
Where's the venue? |
3호선 강남역 근처에 있는 강남웨딩홀이에요.
It's the Kangnam wedding hall near Kangnam station, on the number 3 line. |
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