Sometimes people say that they are too busy to sit and plan.
사람들은 너무 바쁘기 때문에 앉아서 계획할 시간이 없다고 말한다.
- 'Time Power' by Brian Tracy
발등에 불 the last minute
[강사 : Kristine]
- London Trinity College TESOL
- TOEIC Speaking & Writing 만점 강사
- 한국 외국어 평가원 공식 PELT 추천 강사
발등에 불 the last minute
A: 수학 숙제 끝냈니?
Are you done with your math homework?
B: 그거 다음 주 까지예요.
It's not due until next week.
A: 발등에 불 떨어졌을 때 하지 말고, 미리 미리 해두지 그러니?
Why don't you get it done early, instead of waiting until the
last minute?
B: 알았어요.
All right.
사상체질 (Four body types)
빌, 너 혹시 네가 무슨 체질인지 아니?
Bill, do you happen to know what body-type you are?
체질? 그게 뭔데?
What do you mean by
동양의학에 따르면 체질에는 태양인, 태음인, 소양인, 소음인, 이렇게 네 가지가 있어.
Well, according to Oriental Medicine, there are four main body types: taeyang-in, taeeum-in, soyang-in and soeum-in.
그럼 어떻게 구별하지?
Greek Protests Spread Throughout Europe
On December 6, 2008, 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos was shot and killed by a police officer in Athens, Greece. Grigoropoulos was with his friends outdoors when the group from the Greek police. The police say that the group threw stones and bottles and insulted the guards. But some eyewitnesses say that that the conflict was initiated by the guards themselves. Eventually, special guard Epaminondas Korkoneas fired his gun three times. The first two bullets were shot into the air. Korkoneas said he shot the third bullet towards the ground, and that all . However, the bullet ricocheted and killed Grigoropoulos. Eyewitnesses say that the officer shot Grigoropoulos directly. Demonstrations were organized throughout Greece following the high school student�fs death. �B and fought with local police. Eventually, the demonstrations spread throughout many European cities, including Istanbul, London, Paris, Bordeaux, Rome, Berlin, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Madrid, Barcelona, and Seville. Special guard Korkoneas was charged with murder and his partner was charged as an accomplice. (중략)